Procedure 1
- Updated HQ image at the top of the thread (Image)
- Updated position screenshots to reflect change of HQ
- Removed :right and :left commands from SA
- Sentry exit gates for SA are now clickable, click once to open/close them
- Added OCC (Officer Command Center) - a new position for senior officers. This position is used to perform moderation commands if users with room rights are not present. Also has a few quick clean up commands for maintenance purposes.
- Added OCC commands table
- Updated HQ image at the top of the thread (Image)
- Updated position screenshots to reflect change of HQ
- Removed :right and :left commands from SA
- Sentry exit gates for SA are now clickable, click once to open/close them
- Added OCC (Officer Command Center) - a new position for senior officers. This position is used to perform moderation commands if users with room rights are not present. Also has a few quick clean up commands for maintenance purposes.
- Added OCC commands table
Command | Function |
:idlers | Sends all idling personnel in Work Area to the AFK area |
:remove1 | Requires 2 actions from the operator. First, type in the command.Then, click sentry rollers, training mat, or the ID swivel seats. The person on that furni gets kicked from the room. If you click a Front Row computer, the person in front of it gets kicked. |
:clear1 | Same as above, except the target gets teleported to the AFK zone instead. Does not work with rollers. |
:construction | Disables conditional AFK system and enables global AFK system, preventing all users from idling out anywhere in the room. VIP ropes drop down, blocking access to areas. This command is intended to be used with the below maintenance commands. |
:clearLobby :clearBar :clearWorkfloor :clearR&R :clearVIP :clearAFK :clearBar | Teleports users to the next best area for maintenance purposes. :clearLobby sends users in Lobby to Bar. :clearBar sends users in Bar to Lobby seats. :clearWorkfloor sends users in Work Area to the AFK area. :clearR&R sends users in R&R to AFK area. :clearVIP sends users in VIP to AFK area. :clearAFK sends users in AFK area to R&R. |
:lockdown | Simply drops down VIP ropes. |