General Notes:
- Removed 33 outdated wired stacks (pre-Batch 12).
- Added 28 new wired stacks with Batch 12 capabilities.
- Notifications for queue pulls:
OCC Commands:
- :eagle - to reset the eagle if running free.
- :lockdown - Deploys rope dividers.
- :idlers - Clears idling personnel.
- :clear - Sends personnel to AFK.
- :silence - Mutes for 1 hour.
- :remove - Kicks selected person.
- Usage for clear, silence and remove: Say command, click target, confirm via popup.
OPA (Office of Public Affairs) Usage:
- :radio and :games work from "group gate".
Radio Booth:
- DJs use :dancefloor to toggle the dancefloor.
Game Host Throne:
- Use :fridge or :balloon to toggle fridge or balloon.
Shift Management:
- Timer starts by saying "start" via shift start in the black bubble text.
- :cancel ends shift or by leaving room/workfloor.
- Bot announces 30-minute shifts to officers for confirmation. (Assistant tool, not automated; use discretion.)
- :recruit - from IRDT pen group gate uniforms those not in uniform.
- DDOs and Sentries notified on 1-way gate use for uniform checks.
General Notes:
- Removed 33 outdated wired stacks (pre-Batch 12).
- Added 28 new wired stacks with Batch 12 capabilities.
- Notifications for queue pulls:
- Non-VIP without proper badge favorited
OCC Commands:
- :eagle - to reset the eagle if running free.
- :lockdown - Deploys rope dividers.
- :idlers - Clears idling personnel.
- :clear - Sends personnel to AFK.
- :silence - Mutes for 1 hour.
- :remove - Kicks selected person.
- Usage for clear, silence and remove: Say command, click target, confirm via popup.
OPA (Office of Public Affairs) Usage:
- :radio and :games work from "group gate".
Radio Booth:
- DJs use :dancefloor to toggle the dancefloor.
Game Host Throne:
- Use :fridge or :balloon to toggle fridge or balloon.
Shift Management:
- Timer starts by saying "start" via shift start in the black bubble text.
- :cancel ends shift or by leaving room/workfloor.
- Bot announces 30-minute shifts to officers for confirmation. (Assistant tool, not automated; use discretion.)
- :recruit - from IRDT pen group gate uniforms those not in uniform.
- DDOs and Sentries notified on 1-way gate use for uniform checks.