Regulation 14: Terms and Conditions on USDF Forums
Updated 'CHAPTER 1. General Terms and Conditions' to 'CHAPTER 1. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS'.
Subsection 3. VPNs and Proxies
Remove extra space between "DepSecDef, or NSA" in sentence 'However, if there is good reason to, such as if an individual was applying to a position with a high security clearance (or at the discretion of the SecDef, DepSecDef, or NSA)'.
Added space between paragraph and note.
Updated 'CHAPTER 1. General Terms and Conditions' to 'CHAPTER 1. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS'.
Subsection 3. VPNs and Proxies
Remove extra space between "DepSecDef, or NSA" in sentence 'However, if there is good reason to, such as if an individual was applying to a position with a high security clearance (or at the discretion of the SecDef, DepSecDef, or NSA)'.
Added space between paragraph and note.
Ret. GOA Kevnn ★★★★★
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Engagement
Office of the Secretary of Defense
United States Defense Force
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Engagement
Office of the Secretary of Defense
United States Defense Force