Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (ARF, PAF, DRR, DRF, GRF, FCF)
[!] Changed Thread Name: "Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (ARF, PAF, DRR, DRF, GRF, FCF)" to "Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (ARF, PAF, DRF, GRF, FCF)".
[!] Changed Procedure Sub-Title:"Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (Action Request, Appeal, Review, Discipline, VIP, and Foreign)" to "Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (Action Request, Appeal, Discipline, VIP, and Foreign)".
Removed (From Index, Chapter 2): "Subsection 2. Demerit Review Request (DRR) Form" (removal of Chapter 2, Subsection 2).
Replaced (from Chapter 1, Subsection 1): "Only DRR and HPARF for NSC+ require DMs [...]" with "Only HPARF for NSC+ require DMs [...]".
Replaced (from Chapter 1, Subsection 2): "If related to a member of the NSC, send to DepSecDef only" with "If related to a member of the NSC reach out to the DepSecDef".
Removed (from Chapter 1, Subsection 2):
Removed (Chapter 2, Subsection 2):
Subsection 2. Demerit Review Request (DRR) Form
Important Notes:
Changed (Chapter 1, Subsection 3, PAF): "You will then have to file a Demerit Review Request or a pardon depending on your punishment, need, and further eligibility." to "You will then have to file a pardon depending on your punishment, need, and further eligibility.".
Changed Chapter 2, Subsection 3 to Chapter 2, Subsection 2 (due to removal of Subsection 2).
[!] Changed Thread Name: "Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (ARF, PAF, DRR, DRF, GRF, FCF)" to "Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (ARF, PAF, DRF, GRF, FCF)".
[!] Changed Procedure Sub-Title:"Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (Action Request, Appeal, Review, Discipline, VIP, and Foreign)" to "Procedure 4: Complaint Forms (Action Request, Appeal, Discipline, VIP, and Foreign)".
Removed (From Index, Chapter 2): "Subsection 2. Demerit Review Request (DRR) Form" (removal of Chapter 2, Subsection 2).
Replaced (from Chapter 1, Subsection 1): "Only DRR and HPARF for NSC+ require DMs [...]" with "Only HPARF for NSC+ require DMs [...]".
Replaced (from Chapter 1, Subsection 2): "If related to a member of the NSC, send to DepSecDef only" with "If related to a member of the NSC reach out to the DepSecDef".
Removed (from Chapter 1, Subsection 2):
Demerit Review Request (DRR) | Personnel | N/A | To request review of demerits given out by officers or OJSIG that personnel feel should be removed after a time period | N/A | USD P&R Exdr JAG GoodTop |
Removed (Chapter 2, Subsection 2):
Subsection 2. Demerit Review Request (DRR) Form
Important Notes:
- Contact the JAG or JA with any questions.
- Do not file an appeal for another person, unless previously discussed and agreed upon with the JAG or JA.
- You may submit a request 30 days after receiving a demerit.
- Personnel with demerits cited for Missing SoW and MPTS Posting Error may not fill out the request.
- You may only fill out two requests for the same demerit. If your first review has been upheld, another one may be sent two weeks later.
- While this may be perceived similar to the Punishment Appeal Form (PAF), they are totally different. Requests filed for the PAF may only uphold/increase/reduce a punishment. On the other hand, if deemed fit, demerits may be removed from your record once the OJAG has conducted a thorough review for a filed Demerit Review Request.
Use the following subject title in your Forum PM
Review Request - Your Name - Your Rank/Position
Example: Review Request - JimmyBond2 - GySgt/DI
Review Request - Your Name - Your Rank/Position
Example: Review Request - JimmyBond2 - GySgt/DI
Changed (Chapter 1, Subsection 3, PAF): "You will then have to file a Demerit Review Request or a pardon depending on your punishment, need, and further eligibility." to "You will then have to file a pardon depending on your punishment, need, and further eligibility.".
Changed Chapter 2, Subsection 3 to Chapter 2, Subsection 2 (due to removal of Subsection 2).
Major General ★★
Director of Strategies, Plans & Capabilities (DSP&C)
Office of Strategies, Plans & Capabilities (OSP&C)
Joint Staff Directorate (JSD)
United States Defense Force (USDF)

Major General ★★
Director of Strategies, Plans & Capabilities (DSP&C)
Office of Strategies, Plans & Capabilities (OSP&C)
Joint Staff Directorate (JSD)
United States Defense Force (USDF)