Regulation 2 / Subsection 2: Discord Guidelines
Changed from:
-All personnel must ensure that no personal information is displayed on their Discord account. To ensure your PII (Personal Identifiable Information) is safe, go into your Discord user settings and ensure no personal information is visible.
Changed to:
It is recommended that all personnel hide their personable identifiable information (PII) on their Discord accounts. Discord "Connections" and "profile pictures" are strongly recommended to be hidden. Ultimately, it is the user's discretion who accepts all risks of their own PII.
Changed from:
-All personnel must ensure that no personal information is displayed on their Discord account. To ensure your PII (Personal Identifiable Information) is safe, go into your Discord user settings and ensure no personal information is visible.
Changed to:
It is recommended that all personnel hide their personable identifiable information (PII) on their Discord accounts. Discord "Connections" and "profile pictures" are strongly recommended to be hidden. Ultimately, it is the user's discretion who accepts all risks of their own PII.
Speaker of the House
Secretary of Defense (Ret., 3rd)
Admiral of the Navy ★★★★★★ (Ret.)
United States Defense Force