Procedure 10
Branch-Specific Counseling Programs
Each branch of the military, in conjunction with each Branch Council, has internal programs focused on providing a space for their personnel to reach out and discuss their concerns, thoughts, and ideas. These programs allow an individual to talk with members of their own branch about things that interest or concern them, providing a greater sense of camaraderie and comfortability. Please click on the links below which will take an individual to their respective branch's program, as every branch program is different and specific to their own personnel.
Each branch of the military, in conjunction with each Branch Council, has internal programs focused on providing a space for their personnel to reach out and discuss their concerns, thoughts, and ideas. These programs allow an individual to talk with members of their own branch about things that interest or concern them, providing a greater sense of camaraderie and comfortability. Please click on the links below which will take an individual to their respective branch's program, as every branch program is different and specific to their own personnel.
Branch-Specific Counseling Programs
Each branch of our military has specific roles designated to a rank group to oversee. These are some of our personnel to reach out and discuss their concerns, thoughts, and ideas, providing a greater sense of camaraderie and comfortability.
Each branch of our military has specific roles designated to a rank group to oversee. These are some of our personnel to reach out and discuss their concerns, thoughts, and ideas, providing a greater sense of camaraderie and comfortability.
- For E4-E8, reach out to your BHNCO
- For E9-W2, reach out to your SWOA
- For W3-W5 and O1-O3 reach out to your VJCS
- For O4+ reach out to your branch chief.