Regulation 5, Chapter 3, Subsection 1
Officers ranked O1+, who do not belong to an office will be expected to find an office within 21 days of their reinstatement, office removal or return from R2. Failure to do so will result in an irreversible decommission and demotion to W5. Individuals who are decommissioned for failing the 21 day deadline will retain FEAT {O} upon decommission, however, they will be expected to work their way up from W5.
Officers ranked O1+, who do not belong to an office will be expected to find an office within 21 days of their reinstatement, office removal or return from R2. Failure to do so will result in an irreversible decommission and demotion to W5. Individuals who are decommissioned for failing the 21 day deadline will retain FEAT {O} upon decommission, however, they will be expected to work their way up from W5. SecDef approval must be granted before a decommission can take place.
Regulation 4, Chapter 4
Officers ranked O1+, who do not belong to an office will be expected to find an office within 21 days of their reinstatement, office removal or return from R2. Failure to do so will result in an irreversible decommission and demotion to W5. Individuals who are decommissioned for failing the 21 day deadline will retain FEAT {O} upon decommission, however, they will be expected to work their way up from W5.
Officers ranked O1+, who do not belong to an office will be expected to find an office within 21 days of their reinstatement, office removal or return from R2. Failure to do so will result in an irreversible decommission and demotion to W5. Individuals who are decommissioned for failing the 21 day deadline will retain FEAT {O} upon decommission, however, they will be expected to work their way up from W5. SecDef approval must be granted before a decommission can take place.
Regulation 4, Chapter 4
- Those reinstating will lose FEATs {XZ} after 60+ days, FEATs {JQLW} after 180+ days, and FEATs {O} at NSC discretion.
- Those re-enlisting will lose FEATs {BSMNJQLWZ} automatically, FEATs {X} after 60+ days, and FEATs {O} at NSC discretion.
- Those reinstating will lose FEATs {XZ} after 60+ days, FEATs {JQLW} after 180+ days, and FEATs {O} at NSC discretion and requiring approval from the SecDef.
- Those re-enlisting will lose FEATs {BSMNJQLWZ} automatically, FEATs {X} after 60+ days, and FEATs {O} at NSC discretion and requiring approval from the SecDef.